

You have made an exciting choice to pursue this course where is leading you to a fulfilling lifestyle as a yoga instructor or improving your yoga skills.

This amazing program will complement your class room program with the teacher.

The theory you will be able to review any time from home and as many times you need.

Our course include 12 months program, 350 hrs course, where at the end you be qualified to teach yoga, or just understand deeper the yoga system of health and lifestyle. The classes are pre-booked - face-to-face teaching (see the calendar), one weekend per month at The Pure Yoga Wellbeing Centre - Southport with Nubia De Morais.

Plus all content in video, pdf to follow up your studies from home.

This course is an adventure into learning yoga, study old traditions and apply to our modern life. Individually, each student will progress on their own time and pace, and at the end of this 12 months journey each student will be able comprehend the this old tradition from India.

Have a look what you will learn in 12 months:

Our Formal subjects - modules:

Anatomy and Physiology - this module will present the knowledge of the human body systems and human body moments, learning the structural anatomy, functional physiology in the Eyes of yoga practitioner and understand the universal guidelines of alignment of the asanas - poses.

Yoga Physiology : This module you will lean about the subtle systems in yoga :

  • Knowledge of the major nadis - channels
  • knowledge of the 7 main chakras
  • Knowledge of the pacha koshas ( energetic body)
  • Knowledge of the gunas
  • Knowledge of pancha vayus

Philosophy, Ethics and LifeStyle: in this module you will learn about

  • The history of yoga
  • The paths of Yoga
  • The yogic cosmological concepts
  • The philosophical concepts of Patanjali - Yoga sutras
  • Studies of texts; Bhagavad Gita; Upanishads, Hatha yoga Pradipika

Techniques :

  • This module you will learn the 84 basic asanas
  • Pranayamas
  • Meditation techniques
  • Yoga Nidra - relaxation
  • Bandhas
  • Mudras
  • Vinyasa - sequence

Teaching methodology and practicing skills

  • This module is related with the practice of teaching all aspects of yoga, from the philosophy of yoga to the yoga class
  • Plan and develop a yoga class
  • This module is about teaching, observing and learning how to work with yoga on the daily basis.
  • Building a business and being authentic and professional

The course is done face-to-face and you can follow your studies online during each month

at your own pace through video, pdf files and audio lessons.

In addition, each student will be demonstrate their skills and understanding as the course process month to month, via videos, class demonstration and written assessments. Nubia will be available to guide during the course and be your mentor / teacher for this journey.

Students also have the ability to review the material as many times as necessary in order to absorb and retain the lessons. This allows for a deeper understanding of the Yoga Traditions and how to become a great teacher, as well as for students to move at their own pace through the studies of yoga.

The monthly classes - Modules at the Studio (weekends) will be recorded and post as the course goes.  

Each student will receive access to our Private Facebook Community for the Teacher Training only, where the students can communicate with each other, support each other during the course, and it will be more contents post online as well.

Each student will receive a special membership at The Pure Yoga School, to participate at yoga classes. (1 class per week, to be counted as attendance at the end of the course (52 hours participation)

Enjoy the journey!



No part of the materials available through the Yoga Course - Teacher Training designate to The Pure Yoga Wellbeing Centre, site may be copied, photocopied, reproduced, downloaded, translated, or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of Nubia De Morais.
Any reproduction in any form without the permission of Nubia De Morais is prohibited. All materials contained on this site are protected by Australia copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published, posted, or broadcast without the prior written permission of Nubia De Morais.

Dates - Prices and More Information:

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